Monday, January 11, 2010

Back to school

I started back to school today for the spring semester. It was great seeing my friends after three weeks. The new schedule consists of Monday: Mentor/Mentee group, Chapel, and Bioethics, Tuesday: Biostatistics, Biochemistry, and Pharmaceutics Lab, Wednesday: Pathophysiology, Pharmaceutics, and PCC II, Thursday: Biostatistics and Biochemistry, and Friday: Pathophysioloy and Pharmaceutics.

Today was not so eventful. We had a great speaker during chapel, however, bioethics lost my attention after 20 minutes. Looking forward to what tomorrow may bring. I'm also doing my first PSL of the semester tomorrow at River City Ministries. Might as well get them done!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tough week

This week has been pretty stressful. I had an A&P exam on Monday and a Pharm Sci test on Tuesday. Therefore, I spent my weekend at North Metro working my 8 hour shift Saturday and Sunday attempting to study. Most of the time, I am able to concentrate. Not this weekend..I've gotten to that point where I need a little mind break. Just want to sit on the couch and do nothing. Well, there is no time for that right now. After taking A&P yesterday, I thought I had failed. Looked back over my notes and highlighted things I remembered from the exam..will probably see it again on the final. Pretty much everything I remembered I didn't get correct on the exam..kind of upset about I found it pretty hard to focus last night to study for Pharm Sci test for Tuesday morning. I studied much of what I thought was going to be on the test.
Got the test this morning and skipped pretty much half the test! The first page had calculation problems that were so wordy, I got intimidated. Went through the test once and only answered about 20 of the 50. Then I realized I only had 20 minutes left! I immediately went back to the calculations and started punching on the calculator to try to at least get one of the answer choices. I was successful on most of them. With the time I had left, I chose my initial thought of what the answer might be.
In the end, I didn't pass the A&P exam. Only by a few points. Once I calculated my grades thus far, I'm still passing! Thank goodness! As for Pharm Sci, I passed..barely..again thank goodness!
I have learned not to take being in pharmacy school for granted. It is going to be a tough road and there will be bumps. I feel like I am on a roller coaster. One day I am at the top, thinking I am going to be a pharmacist! Other days I am at the bottom, thinking I am going to be a pharmacy school flunk out with a ton of debt.
Gotta keep truckin'! No turning back..just do the best I can.
Goal for this week: just pass!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tough times..

So the last couple of weeks have been pretty tough..We've had our first Intro to Pharm. Sciences and Immunology tests on the same day, only to have our first A & P exam the following Monday. School is starting to get tough. Every day, there seems to be something to do as well as something to study. After looking at the calendar, we will have at least one exam every week until Thanksgiving. Yuck!
So in my mind, I have been thinking I may not be cut out for this. I am really struggling with where I am in my life. I really want to focus on my family. I want to work on the house. I want to come home and just watch tv. These things are really messing with my mind.
Everyone keeps saying.."you are doing the right thing. It will all be worth it."
I just find it hard to think long term..I want immediate results.
So the lesson I have learned thus far is patience. I have had to be patient to get here; why not be patient to get through it.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Second week...

I survived another week. I must admit I was having second thoughts on Tuesday. I started wondering if I had made the right decision. Pharmacy school is going to take some work and most of my time. I literally took my blood pressure I was feeling so stressed.
I took a moment and thought, honestly I can only do so much. Taking my to do list and crossing off one thing a day will be the best. By Thursday, I was back on track..Not stressing so much...
Passed my first OTC quiz and anatomy Skull ID quiz!
Working on my poster, Safe Medication Disposal, this weekend.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Busy first week...

So here is a quick update...Tuesday, I had Intro to Pharm sciences and Immunology..Not too bad. Started out with a pre quiz in both classes just to see what we knew.

Wednesday was very long..but will be each week 8am-5pm. Yikes! Had first Pt Counseling/Communication class... Two words: Dr. Nesbit. He is an interesting man but I am sure I will learn to appreciate his excitement for life.. A&P after that..then lunch.
During lunch, some of my classmates and I worked on Calculations HW for Intro to Pharm Sciences. Tried to remember how to draw a graph and add/subtract Roman numerals.
Intro to Pharmacy and Health Care Delivery with Dr. Max: We discussed the history behind health care professionals and the pharmacy profession. for Patient Centered Care: Buckle your seatbelts! We discussed our experiential education experiences..this includes shadowing, patient caring, pharmacy service learning, and IPPEs. WOW alot to take in! But I've got my handy dandy calendar!

Thurday: Not as exciting as the beginning of the week...Interesting things I learned today included: the history of drug regulation in Intro to Pharm Sciences and how to read a CBC to tell if a patient is suffering from anemia, a bacterial infection, or a viral infection. Pretty exciting!

Friday: SO glad it is Friday! Pt Counseling/Communication..always interesting..
The first A&P quiz..I was so nervous! First grade of the first year of pharmacy school..I studied for hours for this quiz..13 questions with at least one being a mathematical question..Hello! The questions were straight from the back of the chapters! Which, of course, I had studied to prepare for the quiz...yeah for me!
I was so relieved! The anatomy portion of the class started today with Dr. Phillips, an Arkansan! (You remember an earlier post about the physiology instructor, Dr. Hao, from China) I understand everything Dr. Phillips is saying! And it was pretty much a review from what I had learned in x ray school. Again yeah for me!

Going to spend the weekend working on my poster topic, calculations homework, reading "The Jungle"(to read for a book review for Intro to Pharm Sciences), and reviewing for any quizzes for next week. Need to learn ~10 OTC drugs